Focused + Clear

Thought: Focus on what you want and stop thinking about the things that you don’t. 

It’s such a simple solution to happiness, yet so many of us forget this easy method to attract what you want out of life. 

For the rest of your life I challenge you to embrace and absorb unwanted thoughts/experiences etc. as a wonderful vision of contrast. Use it as a guide to decide whether it's what you do want, or what you don’t. Without this evaluation, you’re deciding and allowing discomforting feelings over comforting thoughts in some area of your life. Through your decision of your next thoughts, you really want to notice whether or not that thought is welcoming happiness or not. But, more importantly, you want to know what it is that will make you happy and choose that instead. 

If something isn’t bringing you peace, decide either one of two things; that you will: 

  1. Find/create an elevated, successful solution to the problem/issue unwanted circumstance

  2. Let go and move on to allow something else to come into your world

Have you ever felt like you constantly kept running into exactly what you weren’t looking for? Lingering emotions, or, in some cases people, can bring up less elevated thoughts and in return guides our focus in a more negative direction. And when this happens, it's up to us to align ourselves back on track. Contrast is not a bad thing. Evaluate it for what it actually is, and then decide if it’s what you want. 

Thought Exercise: Enjoy the contrast of non pleasing events, thoughts experiences etc. Take time to refocus. Can you think of something that you don’t want to happen or a lingering thought that makes you feel less than great? Restructure it so that you can replace that thought with something you do want to happen or that does feed your soul. Daydream a little here and have fun with it. 
